7 Stellar Statistics for Small Business Websites

Would you like to know how small business websites can help boost your bottom line and build a loyal customer base? If so, keep reading!

Red Robin Creative
3 min readFeb 19, 2021
Image of charts and graphs relating to statistics for small business websites.

The Importance Of Small Business Websites

If you own a small business, you’ll know how important it is to attract and retain a loyal customer base. Chances are you already have a marketing strategy, and you may have set up a business profile in social media sites. But is this really enough to help your business take off? And should all small businesses have websites?

The answer is yes: in the 21st century, if you own a business, you must have a website and a well-rounded online presence. All figures and statistics point in the same direction: if you want to reach as wide an audience as possible, you need to cover all bases and tackle all fronts. Here are seven facts that confirm the importance of having a website for your small business:

1. Websites And Trust

Approximately 75% of potential customers will judge your business credibility by looking at your website. Also, a website that looks outdated can put off 94% of site visitors.

2. Mobile Websites

Should all small businesses have websites? Sure, but it doesn’t end there. Websites should fit all kinds of devices, including mobile. A 2018 survey found that 75% of consumers said the most important characteristic of a website is that content must display well on their devices, and 8 in 10 would leave a website if this didn’t happen, so if you want your customers to find you, your website must be responsive.

3. Web Design Matters

Customers only take 0.05 seconds to form an initial impression about your website — this means there’s no room for design errors. Other studies show that of those who stay on a website, only 20% will scroll past the top section of a page — if that’s not engaging, they’ll probably go to a competitor’s site.

4. Content Matters Too

What do your customers want? A beautifully designed website that works on all devices, sure. But also, an informative website. Content is so important that 86% of website users say they visit a site to find information about products and services.

5. More Than Words

Content is important, but not only in its written form. Images and in particular video content can increase the appeal of your site, increase sales by 43%, and improve your Google search ranking.

6. Social Media

A consistent social media strategy can increase website visits by 75%, so for optimal results, your online presence must include not just a website, but also the social media platforms your customers are more likely to visit.

7. Professional Small Business Websites

Over 70% of small businesses take care of their online marketing themselves, but interestingly enough, those who hire an agency are the most satisfied with the results. Nowadays, many agencies offer affordable web design services that can supercharge your online presence.

At Red Robin Creative we specialise in creating websites that are attractive, functional, and a pleasure for your customers to visit. Our experts can take care of everything from affordable web design services to online advertising and reputation management, and including managing all your social media sites and content marketing. Contact us if you’d like to find out how we can boost your online presence and arrange a free consultation.



Red Robin Creative

Responsive Websites and Digital Marketing Consultancy for forward-thinking SMBs. www.redrobincreative.com